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Sitios Turísticos

Spratt Bight Beach, Bahia Sardina or North End
Es la playa más extensa de la isla (450 metros). Está ubicada en el norte de la isla junto a sendero peatonal Spratt Bight, un camino de 2000 metros de longitud, adoquinado y arborizado que enmarca el sector hotelero y comercial. Desde la playa se acceden, a solo unos metros, a hoteles, restaurantes, bares, cafés, supermercados, almacenes y heladerías.
El mar tiene diferentes tonalidades y profundidades. Se ofrecen masajes, elaboración de trenzas, bebidas y pasabocas. Es posible practicar deportes náuticos como el kitesurf o windsurf y se encuentra la Cooperativa de lancheros que brinda transporte a los cayos cercanos (Johnny Cay, Acuario y Haynes Cay).
Is the longest beach of the island (approximately 450 meters). It is located north of the island with Spratt Bight pedestrian pathway, a path length of 2000 meters, paved, and with lots of trees that frames the hotel and commerce industry. Just a few meters away from the beach you have access to hotels, restaurants, bars, cafes, supermarkets, stores, and ice cream parlors.
The sea has different shades and depths. On the beach they offer massages, braids, drinks, and snacks. You can practice water sports such as kite or windsurfing and you will also find the Boaters Coop where transportation is provided to go to the nearby cays (Johnny Cay, Acuario, and Haynes Cay).
El mar tiene diferentes tonalidades y profundidades. Se ofrecen masajes, elaboración de trenzas, bebidas y pasabocas. Es posible practicar deportes náuticos como el kitesurf o windsurf y se encuentra la Cooperativa de lancheros que brinda transporte a los cayos cercanos (Johnny Cay, Acuario y Haynes Cay).
Is the longest beach of the island (approximately 450 meters). It is located north of the island with Spratt Bight pedestrian pathway, a path length of 2000 meters, paved, and with lots of trees that frames the hotel and commerce industry. Just a few meters away from the beach you have access to hotels, restaurants, bars, cafes, supermarkets, stores, and ice cream parlors.
The sea has different shades and depths. On the beach they offer massages, braids, drinks, and snacks. You can practice water sports such as kite or windsurfing and you will also find the Boaters Coop where transportation is provided to go to the nearby cays (Johnny Cay, Acuario, and Haynes Cay).

San Luis y sus playas
San Luis es uno de los sectores más apacibles de la isla. La mayoría de la población es raizal, se aprecia la arquitectura tradicional, terrenos extensos con palmas de coco y unas playas encantadoras.
La playa Cocoplum o Rocky cay es ideal para niños por su poca profundidad. Desde allí, caminando por el mar se llega a Rocky cay, una pequeña formación rocosa en el mar. Se observa desde la orilla un barco carguero (Nicodemus) encallado desde hace más de 30 años, llamado por los nativos ‘el Barco mocho’ y que es ahora hábitat de especies marinas.
La playa de Sound Bay o Bahía Sonora, es especial para el relax, caminar a lo largo de la playa, disfrutar un buen plato en un restaurante de comida típica y mariscos, y admirar un encantador atardecer. Se puede entrar y salir desde la calle circunvalar y algunas tardes, al otro lado de la carretera, se observan personas jugando softbol o béisbol.
En la playa del Paso el mar es completamente cristalino, tiene piedra coralina y peces de diversos colores por lo que es perfecto para hacer snorkeling. Aquí se ofrece alquiler de kayak, paseos en catamarán y clases de windsurf. Se encuentra ubicado el famoso bar de reggae de Kella, y negocios de comida.
San Luis is one of the most peaceful areas of the island. Most of the population is native islanders. You can see the traditional architecture, extensive lands with coconut trees, and lovely beaches.
Cocoplum Beach or Rocky Cay is ideal for children because of its shallowness. From there, walking by the sea you can reach Rocky Cay, which is a small rocky formation in the sea. You can observe from the shore a cargo boat (Nicodemus) stranded for more than 30 years which is called by islanders “Barco mocho” and is now home to several marine species.
Sound Bay Beach or Bahía Sonora is special to relax, walk along the beach, enjoy a meal at one of the typical seafood restaurants, and admire a wonderful sunset. You can enter and exit the beach from the bypass street and some evenings from the other side of the road you can watch people from the island playing softball and baseball.
On Paso Beach, the sea is totally crystalline. It has coral rocks and fish of different colors making it perfect for snorkeling. Here they offer kayak rentals, catamaran sailing, and windsurfing classes. It is located at the famous Kella Reggae Bar and food business.
La playa Cocoplum o Rocky cay es ideal para niños por su poca profundidad. Desde allí, caminando por el mar se llega a Rocky cay, una pequeña formación rocosa en el mar. Se observa desde la orilla un barco carguero (Nicodemus) encallado desde hace más de 30 años, llamado por los nativos ‘el Barco mocho’ y que es ahora hábitat de especies marinas.
La playa de Sound Bay o Bahía Sonora, es especial para el relax, caminar a lo largo de la playa, disfrutar un buen plato en un restaurante de comida típica y mariscos, y admirar un encantador atardecer. Se puede entrar y salir desde la calle circunvalar y algunas tardes, al otro lado de la carretera, se observan personas jugando softbol o béisbol.
En la playa del Paso el mar es completamente cristalino, tiene piedra coralina y peces de diversos colores por lo que es perfecto para hacer snorkeling. Aquí se ofrece alquiler de kayak, paseos en catamarán y clases de windsurf. Se encuentra ubicado el famoso bar de reggae de Kella, y negocios de comida.
San Luis is one of the most peaceful areas of the island. Most of the population is native islanders. You can see the traditional architecture, extensive lands with coconut trees, and lovely beaches.
Cocoplum Beach or Rocky Cay is ideal for children because of its shallowness. From there, walking by the sea you can reach Rocky Cay, which is a small rocky formation in the sea. You can observe from the shore a cargo boat (Nicodemus) stranded for more than 30 years which is called by islanders “Barco mocho” and is now home to several marine species.
Sound Bay Beach or Bahía Sonora is special to relax, walk along the beach, enjoy a meal at one of the typical seafood restaurants, and admire a wonderful sunset. You can enter and exit the beach from the bypass street and some evenings from the other side of the road you can watch people from the island playing softball and baseball.
On Paso Beach, the sea is totally crystalline. It has coral rocks and fish of different colors making it perfect for snorkeling. Here they offer kayak rentals, catamaran sailing, and windsurfing classes. It is located at the famous Kella Reggae Bar and food business.

Johnny Cay Regional Park
En este islote, que se divisa desde las playas de Spratt Bigh, se observan algunas aves migratorias e iguanas. El sol es imponente y la playa de alto oleaje. Hay venta de comida, cócteles, ceviches y música reggae. Se ofrece alquiler de carpas, sillas, lockers, snorkeling y entretenimiento náutico. Es administrado por la Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Archipiélago –Coralina-.
Johnny Cay Regional Park
On this cay that can be seeing from the beaches of Spratt Bight, you can observe some migratory birds and iguanas. The sun is stunning and the beach of high waves. There are food sales, cocktails, ceviche, and reggae music. They provide tent rentals, chairs, lockers, snorkeling, and water sports. The park is administrated by the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Archipelago – Coralina (for its acronyms in Spanish).
Johnny Cay Regional Park
On this cay that can be seeing from the beaches of Spratt Bight, you can observe some migratory birds and iguanas. The sun is stunning and the beach of high waves. There are food sales, cocktails, ceviche, and reggae music. They provide tent rentals, chairs, lockers, snorkeling, and water sports. The park is administrated by the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Archipelago – Coralina (for its acronyms in Spanish).

Acuario y Haynes Cay
Estos dos islotes están separados por una corta distancia que se puede recorrer caminando por el mar. En el Acuario o Rose, a poca profundidad se encuentran peces, tiburones areneros, langostas, mantarrayas y otras especies marinas. Se alquilan lockers, zapatos para agua, careta y snorkel. Haynes Cay es un cayo coralino lleno de palmeras, zonas para picnic y muelle. En ambos cayos preparan pescado frito con arroz de coco, fruta de pan y otras especialidades del mar. En sus alrededores se practican deportes náuticos.
Acuario and Haynes Cay
These two cays are separated from each other by a short distance where you can go walking through the sea. In Acuario or Rose, it is not necessary to go to great depths to see fish, sand sharks, lobsters, stingrays, and other marine species. You can rent lockers, water shoes, mask and snorkel gears. Haynes Cay is a coral cay full of palm trees, picnic areas, and a dock; on both cays they prepare a delicious fried fish with coconut rice, bread fruit, and other seafood specialties. In its surroundings they practice water sports.
Acuario and Haynes Cay
These two cays are separated from each other by a short distance where you can go walking through the sea. In Acuario or Rose, it is not necessary to go to great depths to see fish, sand sharks, lobsters, stingrays, and other marine species. You can rent lockers, water shoes, mask and snorkel gears. Haynes Cay is a coral cay full of palm trees, picnic areas, and a dock; on both cays they prepare a delicious fried fish with coconut rice, bread fruit, and other seafood specialties. In its surroundings they practice water sports.

La Loma
Desde este lugar, el más alto de la isla, se divisa una panorámica de la isla. Se localizan aquí construcciones de arquitectura típica, población mayoritariamente raizal, caminos, senderos y trochas perfectos para hacer caminatas y avistar aves.
The Hill
From this place, the highest point of the island where you can observe a panoramic view of the island. Here you can find typical architecture constructions, mostly native islander’s population, roads, paths, and perfect trails for hiking and bird viewing.
The Hill
From this place, the highest point of the island where you can observe a panoramic view of the island. Here you can find typical architecture constructions, mostly native islander’s population, roads, paths, and perfect trails for hiking and bird viewing.

Primera Iglesia Bautista
Fue fundada en 1844 por Philip Beekman Livingston. Está construida con madera de pino de Alabama, Estados Unidos y está ubicada en La Loma. Desde allí hay una vista asombrosa de la isla y por su ubicación sirve de guía para las embarcaciones que llegan a la isla. Los fieles asisten muy elegantes los domingos y se entonan himnos gospel por el coro de la iglesia.
First Baptist Church
It was founded in 1844 by Philip Beekman Livingston. It is built with pine wood from Alabama, United States and is located on the Hill. From the church, you can see an amazing view of the island and its location serves as guide for vessels that arrives to the island. The faithful attend church very elegant on Sunday’s and the churches choir sings Gospel songs.
First Baptist Church
It was founded in 1844 by Philip Beekman Livingston. It is built with pine wood from Alabama, United States and is located on the Hill. From the church, you can see an amazing view of the island and its location serves as guide for vessels that arrives to the island. The faithful attend church very elegant on Sunday’s and the churches choir sings Gospel songs.

El Cove
Esta bahía, al sur occidente de la isla, es uno de los mejores lugares para dejarse maravillar por el atardecer. Es de aguas profundas y es donde fondean los buques de la Armada Nacional y los cruceros que recorren el Caribe. Hay lugares propicios para el buceo y para la pesca.
This bay, which is located south west of the island, is one of the best places to be left amazed by the sunset. It is of deep water and is where the Navy and Cruise ships docks that travel the Caribbean. There are favorable places for diving and fishing.
This bay, which is located south west of the island, is one of the best places to be left amazed by the sunset. It is of deep water and is where the Navy and Cruise ships docks that travel the Caribbean. There are favorable places for diving and fishing.

La Laguna Big Pond
En la Loma se encuentra la laguna de agua dulce Big Pond. Tiene 400 por 150 m de extensión y más de 30 m de profundidad. Posee una vegetación abundante y viven allí miles de pájaros, babillas, boas, cangrejos y peces. Es un lugar para hacer picnic, caminatas ecológicas, cabalgatas, avistamiento de aves o mountanbaik por la ruta dispuesta para esto.
Big Pond
On the Hill you find the pond of fresh water. It has 400 by 150m long and more than 30 m deep. It has abundant vegetation, and is home to thousands of birds, alligators, boas, crabs, and fish. It is a place to have picnic, ecological walks, horseback riding, bird watching or mountain bike on the assign rout for this activity.
Big Pond
On the Hill you find the pond of fresh water. It has 400 by 150m long and more than 30 m deep. It has abundant vegetation, and is home to thousands of birds, alligators, boas, crabs, and fish. It is a place to have picnic, ecological walks, horseback riding, bird watching or mountain bike on the assign rout for this activity.

La Piscinita y West View
La Piscinita y West View, dos lugares en el Cove reconocidos por ser piscinas naturales muy profundas con abundancia de coral y diversas especies marinas que se observan a nado con careta.
Piscinita and West View
Are two places in Cove known for being very deep natural pools with abundant coral and diverse marine species that are observed when you swim with mask.
Piscinita and West View
Are two places in Cove known for being very deep natural pools with abundant coral and diverse marine species that are observed when you swim with mask.

La Cueva de Morgan
Hay quienes creen que el corsario Henry Morgan fue quien estuvo en la isla en 1668, en donde escondió algunos de sus tesoros en esta cueva. Hasta ahora dicho tesoro no se ha encontrado, o por lo menos esto no se ha dado a conocer públicamente. La Cueva de Morgan, en el sur de la isla, es un parque temático con cinco estaciones temáticas: el Museo del Coco; el Museo del Pirata, con artículos de galeones piratas recuperados en San Andrés y Jamaica; el Sea Wolf, una réplica a escala de una de las embarcaciones navegadas por Morgan; una galería de arte nativo y la última estación es la mítica Cueva, una cavidad formada por el mar en la roca coralina que tiene 35 metros de ancho y más de 200 metros de profundidad, conecta en el subterráneo con el mar, en la bahía del Cove.
Morgans Cave
Some believes that pirate Henry Morgan was the one who was on the island in 1668 where he hid some of his treasures in this cave. So far, thus treasure has not been found or at least this has not been known publicly. Morgan’s Cave which is located south of the island, is a theme part with five theme stations: Coconut Museum, Pirate Museum with pirate galleons items recovered in San Andres and Jamaica; the Sea Wolf, a replica scale of one of the boats sailed by Morgan; a native art gallery, and the last station is the mythical cave, a cavity formed by the sea in the coral rock that has 35 meters wide and 200 feet deep that connects in the underground with the sea in the Cove Bay.
Morgans Cave
Some believes that pirate Henry Morgan was the one who was on the island in 1668 where he hid some of his treasures in this cave. So far, thus treasure has not been found or at least this has not been known publicly. Morgan’s Cave which is located south of the island, is a theme part with five theme stations: Coconut Museum, Pirate Museum with pirate galleons items recovered in San Andres and Jamaica; the Sea Wolf, a replica scale of one of the boats sailed by Morgan; a native art gallery, and the last station is the mythical cave, a cavity formed by the sea in the coral rock that has 35 meters wide and 200 feet deep that connects in the underground with the sea in the Cove Bay.

Hoyo Soplador
Es un fenómeno natural de túneles subterráneos que inician en los arrecifes coralinos y terminan en un solo agujero. Según el oleaje y la corriente, expulsa aire y/o agua a presión varios metros de altura. Se encuentran puestos de artesanías, cócteles, bebidas y pasabocas típicos.
Blowing Hole
It is a natural phenomenon caused by underground tunnels that starts in the coral reefs and end in a single hole. According to the waves and currents, it expels air and/or pressurized water several meters high. At this site you will find craft stalls, cocktails, soft drinks, and typical snacks.
Blowing Hole
It is a natural phenomenon caused by underground tunnels that starts in the coral reefs and end in a single hole. According to the waves and currents, it expels air and/or pressurized water several meters high. At this site you will find craft stalls, cocktails, soft drinks, and typical snacks.

Cayos Lejanos
Roncador, Quitasueño, Alburquerque, Serrana, Serranilla y Bolívar son islotes lejanos que con sus faros sirven de guía a los barcos que transitan estas aguas. Están rodeados de arrecifes y viven allí múltiples especies marinas y aves. Bolívar y Alburquerque son los más concurridos para pasar allí una tarde, pescar, hacer snorkeling y bucear.
Far Cays
Roncador, Quitasueño, Alburquerque, Serrana, Serranilla and Bolivar are distant small islands that with their lighthouse provide guidance to ships that transit these waters. They are surrounded by reefs and multiple marine species lives there, and birds. Bolivar and Albuquerque are the most popular to spend an afternoon fishing, snorkeling, and diving.
Far Cays
Roncador, Quitasueño, Alburquerque, Serrana, Serranilla and Bolivar are distant small islands that with their lighthouse provide guidance to ships that transit these waters. They are surrounded by reefs and multiple marine species lives there, and birds. Bolivar and Albuquerque are the most popular to spend an afternoon fishing, snorkeling, and diving.
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