Providencia y Santa Catalina
Estar en Providencia es darse la oportunidad de bajar el ritmo al andar, dejar fluir los pensamientos, sentir la brisa, el sol, la playa, el mar y la sensualidad. Sus 18 km2 de extensión tienen una vegetación exuberante y poco intervenida, igual pasa en Santa Catalina, una pequeña isla de 1 km2 a solo 100 metros de Providencia. Están unidas por el puente flotante de Los Enamorados, construido sobre un canal creado en tiempos de la colonia española para proteger las islas.
La belleza de estas islas es impresionante. Tienen origen volcánico y costa coralina. Hay una cantidad de atractivos naturales entre los que se encuentran el mar y los bosques de manglar, se respira aire puro, hay senderos ecológicos, la mayoría de las construcciones son tradicionales, la gente - en su mayoría raizal - es amable, las playas son tranquilas y rodeadas de vegetación, además, aún se ven las ruinas de fortificaciones hechas para la defensa de las islas en el siglo XVII.
En Santa Catalina, en donde según la leyenda el pirata Henry Morgan dejó enterrados partes de sus tesoros, no hay ninguna clase de vehículo automotor y sus tierras están dedicadas a la ganadería y al cultivo de frutales y palmas de coco.
La temperatura promedio es de 25°C, la economía se basa en el turismo y la pesca. Las islas tienen agua potable, servicio de energía eficiente, servicio telefónico e Internet. Prepárese para disfrutar de unas vacaciones con caminatas, degustar comida con sabor caribeño, pasar largo tiempo en la playa o en la contemplación, nadar, hacer snorkeling, bucear o practicar algún deporte náutico sin ninguna prisa.
Being in Providence is given the opportunity to slow down your rhythm, let your thinking flow, feel the breeze, the sea, and sensuality. Its 18 km2 of extension has abundant vegetation and a few intervened; the same is happening in Kethleena, a small island of 1 km2, just 100 meters from Providence. They are united by the Lovers floating bridge, which was constructed over a canal created in Spanish colonial times to protect the islands.
The beauty of these islands is breathtaking. They have volcanic origin and coral coast. There are a number of natural attractions such as the sea and mangrove forests, you breathe fresh air, there are natural trails, most of the buildings are traditional, its people are mostly Raizals, friendly, the beaches are calm and surrounded by vegetation, you can still see the ruins of fortification that were built to defend the islands in the XVII century.
In Kethleena, where according to legend, pirate Henry Morgan left part of his treasures buried. There is no type of motor vehicle and their lands are used for livestock and the cultivation of fruit trees, and coconut palms.
The average temperature is 25 ºC, the economy is based on tourism, and fishing. The islands have potable water, energy efficient service, telephone, and Internet service. Get ready to enjoy hiking, tasting food with Caribbean flavor, spend a long time on the beach or in contemplation, swimming, snorkeling, diving, or doing water sports without any rush.
Providence and Kethleena

To Providence you get in 20 minutes from San Andres in plane.

Hotels are small and almost everyone preserve a cottage type architecture with view to the sea that provides a quiet atmosphere and with communion with nature. Some have Internet service. You also have native lodges for informal tourism that gives you the advantage of living with a Providence family, and get closer to the customs of the natives.

En 1641, una flota española, despachada desde las costas de Colombia, en ese entonces colonia española la Nueva Granada, se tomó las islas y los habitantes fueron expulsados. Desde entonces y por 36 años el dominio de las islas cambió de manos españolas a inglesas e incluso, holandesas reiteradamente. En 1670, el pirata Henry Morgan (quien ya había visitado la isla en 1660) se tomó Providencia, atacó a Panamá y saqueó a Santa Marta.
En 1677 ambas coronas perdieron el interés por las islas hasta que en 1730 se inicia un nuevo proceso de colonización por personas del Caribe británico, Gran Bretaña y esclavos llevados del oeste de África. En 1789 la Corona Española recuperó el Archipiélago. Esta vez permitió a la población, de origen inglés principalmente, permanecer en las islas.
A principios del siglo XIX, en plena lucha de Independencia en Colombia, las islas cayeron en el mandato del francés Louis Aury quien se sumó a la causa de libertar a Colombia de la corona española a pesar de sus intenciones iniciales de anexar las islas a las Repúblicas de Buenos Aires y Chile. En 1810 la Nueva Granada alcanza la independencia, el Archipiélago se emancipa en 1818 y en 1822 se adhiere a la Nueva Granada.
En 1912 se declaró Intendencia al Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina. En 1953, con la declaración de Puerto Libre, inició una inmigración que se ha asentado especialmente en San Andrés afectando el modo de vida y el paisaje.
En 1991 el territorio insular fue declarado Departamento Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina.
En el 2000 la UNESCO las designó Reserva Mundial de la Biósfera "Seaflower" por su gran riqueza natural. En 2011 la población de Providencia representó un papel importante en la oposición a la exploración de petróleo que pretendía realizar el Gobierno nacional en territorio marino.
Providencia y Santa Catalina mantienen mayoritariamente un paisaje natural, pues su población ha logrado entrar en una dinámica de turismo y desarrollo sostenible manteniendo un proceso amable con el medio ambiente. Hoy Providencia se proyecta como el destino turístico más atractivo del Caribe, en un plan de gobierno nacional, departamental y municipal.
History of Providence and Kethleena
The first settlement began in 1627 by English Puritans. They named them Old Providence and Kethleena. They began farming, resurrected piracy against Spain, and engaged themselves in slave trade brought from the Island of Tortuga.
In 1641, a Spanish fleet, dispatched from the coast of Colombia, then it was called Spanish colony of New Granada, took the islands and the inhabitants were expelled. From then and for 36 years, the dominion of the islands changed from Spanish hands to English, and repeatedly, Dutch. In 1670, the pirate Henry Morgan (who had already visited the island in 1660) took Providence, attacked Panama, and looted Santa Marta.
In 1677, both crowns lost interest of the islands until 1730 starts a new process of colonization by British Caribbean people, Britain, and slaves brought from West Africa. In 1789, the Spanish Crown recovered the Archipelago. This time allowed the population, mainly of English origin, to remain on the islands.
In the early XIX century, in a struggle for independence in Colombia, the islands fell within the mandate of French Louis Aury, who joined the cause of freeing Colombia from the Spanish crown despite initial intentions to annex the islands to the Republics of Chile and Buenos Aires. In 1810, New Granada got its independence, the Archipelago is emancipated in 1818, and in 1822 it joined the New Granada.
In 1912, the Archipelago was declared Municipality of San Andres, Providence, and Kethleena. In 1953, with the declaration of Freeport, immigration began that has settled especially in San Andres affecting the way of life and landscape.
In 1991, the island territory was declared Departmental Archipelago of San Andres, Providence, and Kethleena. In 2000, UNESCO designated to them World Biosphere Reserve "Seaflower" for its great natural wealth. In 2011, the population of Providence played an important role in opposing oil exploration that the National Government intended to carryout in marine territory.
Providence and Kethleena remain mostly a natural landscape, as its population has managed to enter in a dynamic of tourism and sustainable development, maintaining a friendly process with the environment. Today, Providence is projected as the most attractive tourist destination in the Caribbean, in a national government plan, departmental, and municipal.
Nuestra Riqueza / Our Heritage

It is a wonderful mix of the inheritance of the Miskito indigenous people, the black people of ancestral Africa and the white people of conquering Europe that arrived to these lands as Puritans, pirates, corsairs and buccaneers.

Music, gastronomy, handicrafts, dances, religion, fishing, agriculture, all manifestations of the Raizal people remain the reflection of their roots. But in addition, the community maintains a close relationship with nature. Nature´s rule remains law in this territory. Water and wind, despite their precedence are two determining elements in the islanders' daily life.

Providencia and Santa Catalina islands are formed by different ecosystems such as mangrove forests, coral formations, seagrass beds and a small area of tropical dry forest.

Being of volcanic origin, this land has the best of the resources that nature gives, water. From its high peaks, important streams of fresh water descend to the sea, so in its forests there is a great variety of medicinal, aromatic and gastronomic herbs, as well as countless flowers, fruits, timber trees, among many other species. Endemic birds and other migratory birds meet in these same mountains; They also dawdle in our surrounding keys, more precisely in the Three Brothers, one of the communities of frigates or “man of war”, as the islanders call them, of the Western Caribbean.
This lands also shelter a good number of lizards, a species of frogs, land turtles and two species of boa snake.

The Municipal Council of Providencia and Santa Catalina through Agreement 015 of 2000, Article 47, declared the black crab representative of the municipality and a species of social interest. Between the months of April and July, thousands of black crabs, Gecarcinus ruricola, descend from the mountains and cross the ring road to spawn in the sea and then return to higher parts. The descent of the black crab is a spectacle of the unique nature of the islands and an example of eco-friendly behavior on the part of the islanders, who observe a 4-month ban on both collection and consumption.

El mar de los siete colores alberga un número casi infinito de peces vistosos, rayas, tortugas, delfines y tiburones. Por ello se ha convertido es destino de los amantes del buceo.
La vegetación marina alrededor de los cayos es variada, y cuenta con tres especies de algas y dos de pastos marinos.
The barrier reef it’s both the island protector and most wonderful nature spectacle. In it, the fauna of the Caribbean Sea is presented in all its magnitude. One of the places to visit is Point Reaf or the lighthouse, the point where it starts or ends, depending on how you look at it, the coral reef.
The sea of seven colors is home to an almost infinite number of colorful fish, rays, turtles, dolphins and sharks. This is why it has become a destination for diving enthusiasts.
The marine vegetation around the keys is varied, and has three species of algae and two of seagrasses.
Lugares para conocer y disfrutar
Places to know and to visit

At this bay comes a freshwater tributary that comes from the highest parts of the island. Its small beaches are surrounded by vegetation and the sand is of volcanic origin, fine and gray. Here is where most tourist services are located such as: restaurants, bars, artisanal stores, diving, car rentals, tours by land and sea.

Near Freshwater Bay is Southwest Bay, the largest beach of the island where the sand is coral. Invites contemplation, to sunbathe, and refresh yourself in the calm sea. In its surroundings there are restaurants, hotels, diving services, and artisanal fishermen activities. On Saturdays the traditional horse race takes place.

Is a bay of abundant trees that gives off a sweet smell and provide shade. The beach, one of the most admire, is of coral origin, and there you enjoy typical dishes, and live traditional music in some bars.

In the surroundings of the sector of Providence known as Camp is located Almond Bay. The entrance to the path leading to the beach is marked with a huge octopus. It is a small beach, but unlike the others, the sea that comes to it brings good swell.

In Santa Catalina, on the way to the head of Morgan, there is one of the most beautiful beaches in Colombia. It is small and shaded until late afternoon, but it is also the starting point of a natural aquarium. In its surroundings there are caves and caverns, and in its sea you can see a variety of fish. It is the ideal place for snorkeling.

Anden Volando Viewpoint
It is a beautiful wooden viewpoint from where you can observe the sunset on the ocean horizon. It has an area of 300m and connects downtown Providence with Free Town.

The park is located in Lazy Hill or San Felipe which evokes the era of pirates and shows the wisdom of navigators.

In Kethleena you find a formation on natural rock that from a distance it looks like a sculpture. For islanders, it is the head of pirate Morgan. It is seen on route from Providence to Kethleena by sea.

It is a point in Kethleena where islands use to defend themselves in time of armed struggles for its possession. There are canyons and below is the small and beautiful Fort Beach.

It is one of the most representative tourist attractions of the destination. The Lovers Bridge connects Providence and Santa Catalina, through a floating structure with handrails painted in bright and Caribbean colors. It has a narrow tunnel that allows the passage of small boats. The bridge, whose length is approximately 180 meters, was built above Aury´s Channel, which was dredged by pirates in the XVII century to protect both islands from invaders. Today is a must visit site to know and walk hand in hand with your beloved.

Cayo Cangrejo es un pequeño islote perfecto para rodear haciendo snorkeling y para divisar la majestuosidad del mar. Se llega en lancha y está ubicado frente a las costas de Providencia, cerca de la Bahía Ganet.
Mcbean Lagoon is a natural reserve of 1500 hectares of which 905 are marines. It was declared Natural National Park in 1996. It is composed of a mangrove ecosystem, part of the barrier reef, a lagoon with sea grass, Crab Cay, Three Brothers Cay, and an area of dry forest where you find cactus, palm papta, and you can observe approximately 56 species of migratory birds.
Crab Cay is a small cay ideal to go around snorkeling and to overlook the majesty of the sea. You can reach there by boat and it is located in front of the coasts of Providence, near the Ganet Bay.

The Peak is the highest point in Providence. It has 360 m above sea level and from there you see the entire island, the immensity of the sea, the barrier reef, the dam, and most of the island. In this place, water source is born that feed fresh water to the territory. It is representative of dry forest, a bird and reptiles observation point. You can reach on foot in approximately 3 hours.
Actividades Turísticas / Tourist Activities

- Entre Lazy Hill y Salt Creek: una caminata de dos horas para internarse en la isla y alejarse de la periferia.
- Entre las playas de manzanillo y suroeste: ochocientos metros en los que se ven plantas frutales y animales endémicos.
- Entre Fort Bay y la cabeza de Morgan: se encuentran diversos reptiles y aves multicolores en 350 metros de distancia.
Ecological Trails
In every walk you observe rich landscapes in fauna and flora such as: Medicinal plants, gastronomy, aromatic, arbutus, fruit trees, crabs, and lizards, among others. Some trails are:
Between Lazy Hill and Salt Creek: a two hour walk to go into the island and stay away from the periphery.
Manchineel Bay and Southwest Bay: 800 meters in which you see fruit trees and endemic animals.
Between Fort Bay and Morgan´s head: You wi

Algunas de las especies que se ven en las expediciones de buceo o snorkel solo habitan en estas latitudes. Además se encuentra una alta diversidad de corales vivos, lo que asegura, junto a las especies de animales, un espectáculo submarino lleno de color, movimiento y brillo.
Para tomar cursos de buceo de un día o de certificación y realizar expediciones debe contactarse con centros profesionales de buceo, los cuales la mayoría se encuentran ubicados en la Bahía de Agua Dulce.
Diving and Snorkeling
There are sites for diving and snorkeling such as cays and coral reefs at different points. The visibility, warm water temperature as well as mild currents, makes swimming, snorkeling, and diving, activities that can be performed with a high degree of safety, and satisfaction.
Some of the species that are seen in diving and snorkeling expeditions, only lives in these latitudes. In addition, there is a high diversity of live corals that ensures together with animal species, an underwater show full of color, movement, and brightness.
To take diving courses for a day or for certification, and carry out expeditions, you must contact professional diving centers, most of which are located in Freshwater Bay.

A historical experience
From the lover’s bridge that joins Providence and Kethleena, a guide leads you through landscapes of Kethleena until you reach Fort Warwick. You may be amaze with Caribbean architecture, flora and fauna, and especially the story about explorers, buccaneers, and Puritans told in the local manner. On this tour, you will know the process of making coconut oil and there is the opportunity to swim and snorkel in crystal waters.

Sailing around the islands
One way to understand the relationship of the islanders with the sea is to embark on a boat and sail around the islands to observe from outside the land territory, the emblems of these islands: Morgan’s Head, Lovers’ Bridge, and McBean Lagoon Natural Park. On this one-day tour, you make stops at Crab Key, where you can snorkel, and on the beaches of Southwest and Manchineel Bay, are a perfect place for a delicious typical lunch, and enjoy the tranquility of the beaches.

Knowing the life of natives
In a guided tour of Providence and Kethleena; know how islanders live and let yourself be enchanted with the traditional architecture and 12 traditional sectors. Pass by and observe churches that are architectural heritage, craft sites, Fort Warwick, and Lover's Malecon.

Go fishing
With a captain or guide, it is possible to go fishing and hear from the voice of the artisanal fishermen, their adventures at sea. Depending on the time, you could catch snappers, barracudas, groupers, and other species of fish that are commonly found in these waters, which are vital food for islanders, as well as part of the economic activity of the population. For sports fishing plans with artificial bait, spinning, and trawling, visitors must have rods and reels.

Know the local art in the art room
In Providence, in the area of High Hill, between Freshwater and Southwest Bay, you will find La Sala, a place where you can find plastic and visual Works of local artists; since permanently there are exhibition of paintings, sculpture, varnish on ceramics, leather pyrography, photos, and videos.

Providence at night
The night is cool and the quietness allows you to hear the sound of the wind, the waves, and the movement of the leaves. You can enjoy a good reggae and cocktail in Manchineel Bay, Santa Isabel, or at bars on the island.

* Hacer un tour en kayak alrededor de Santa Catalina.
* Caminar, transportarse en bicicleta o moto y disfrutar cada rincón de la isla de una manera amable con el medio ambiente.
* Make a tour of Kethleena and visit hidden beaches and rocky areas with caves full of bats.
* Make a kayak tour around Kethleena
* Walk, get around on bike or motorcycle, and enjoy every corner of the island in a friendly manner with the environment.
Información General / General Infomation

How to dress in Providence
It is best to dress in comfortable clothes and cool shoes. It is recommended to use a hat. It is not necessary to bring warm clothing, but it is useful to have some clothes for cool nights.

Banks and Currency Exchange
There are two Banks: Agrarian and Bogota Bank. Each one with ATM machine and both are located in the Downtown area. They do not receive travelers check nor do they exchange dollars. It can be changed at downtown supermarkets. There is also a banking correspondent Bancolombia.

Credit Cards
Most establishments do not receive credit cards.

There are Internet and telephone telecommunication service offers. Some hotels provide Internet service. There are Claro, Movistar, and Tigo cell phone coverage; in some areas of the island, there is no signal of any of the operators.

Se puede alquilar motos, carritos de golf, carros y bicicletas.
Public Transportation
Public transportation consists of taxis, vans, or pickup trucks. You can rent motorcycles, golf carts, cars, and bicycles.

Agencia de Viajes Providencia Travel.
Aeropuerto “El Embrujo”
Teléfono: 608 5148829
Providencia Travel: +57 315 5552990
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/Y5NCJOECQHMYB1