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Actividades Turísticas
Encuentra aquí todas las actividades turísticas para disfrutar del sol, playa y naturaleza en San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina para unas vacaciones inolvidables.

Vuelta a la Isla / Island Tour
San Andrés tiene una extensión aproximada de 27 kilómetros cuadrados y se puede dar la vuelta en bicicleta, moto, carrito de golf, mulita, taxi, chiva, buseta y van.
Island Tour
San Andres has an approximately area of 27 square kilometers where you can go around the island on a bicycle, motorcycle, golf cart, country bus (chiva), mulita and in a van.
Island Tour
San Andres has an approximately area of 27 square kilometers where you can go around the island on a bicycle, motorcycle, golf cart, country bus (chiva), mulita and in a van.

Tour al Acuario y Johnny Cay
Disfrute de un exótico acuario natural con múltiples especies marinas y uno de los mejores balnearios de playas blancas coralinas en el Jonhnny Cay Regional Park, donde se paga $8.000 COP de impuesto ambiental directamente en el parque.

Tour bahía en velero o yate
En tours de dos horas se navega de día, al atardecer o en la noche por la bahía del sector norte de la isla hasta el parque Old Point. Hay entretenimiento, bebidas y música caribeña.
Sailboat or Yacht in the bay
Two-hour tours are done by day, evening, or at night through the north side bay of the island until Old Point Park. There are entertainment, drinks, and Caribbean music.
Sailboat or Yacht in the bay
Two-hour tours are done by day, evening, or at night through the north side bay of the island until Old Point Park. There are entertainment, drinks, and Caribbean music.

Tour de Rayas / Stingrays Tour
Consiste en hacer snorkeling y nadar libremente, sin ningún riesgo, cerca de un grupo de mantarrayas amistosas que cada tarde aparece junto al cayo Acuario.
Stingrays Tour
It consists of snorkeling and swims freely without any risk close to a group of friendly stingrays that every evening appears next to Acuario Cay.
Stingrays Tour
It consists of snorkeling and swims freely without any risk close to a group of friendly stingrays that every evening appears next to Acuario Cay.

Tour en el Old Point Regional Mangrove Park
El parque Old Point Regional Mangrove está ubicado en las bahías Hooker y Haynes, en el costado oriental de la isla de San Andrés. Es el primer parque regional de manglares en Colombia, cubre un total de 247.5656 hectáreas, de las cuales 173.16 corresponden a sectores terrestres y 74.40 son áreas marinas que protege el área más extensa de manglares de la isla y promueve la recuperación natural. Por el sendero, construido en el 2015, se recorre un poco más de un kilómetro entre un bosque de diferentes tipos de manglares. El parque es cuna y hábitat de aves endémicas y migratorias, iguanas, arañas, lagartos, entre otras especies más. Es lugar ideal para realizar caminatas ecológicas, en kayak o pontón, donde se da un paseo por este manglar, cuyas especies predomina el mangle rojo, negro, blanco y de botón. Hay cangrejos, lagartos y aves endémicas y migratorias que encuentran refugio y descanso en los manglares. Es preservado y administrado por la Corporación del Medio Ambiente de San Andrés y Providencia, CORALINA. El ingreso al parque tiene un costo de $12.000 COP, según la Resolución 928 de diciembre de 2018.
The Old Mangrove Regional Point Park is located in the Hooker and Haynes bays, on the eastern side of the island of San Andres. It is the first regional mangrove park in Colombia, covering a total of 247,5656 hectares, of which 173.16 hectares correspond to land sectors and 74.40 hectares are marine areas that protect the largest area of mangroves on the island and promote natural recovery. Along the path, built in 2015, you travel a little over a kilometer between a forest of different types of mangroves. The park is the cradle and habitat of endemic and migratory birds, iguanas, spiders, lizards, among other species. It is an ideal place for ecological walks, kayaking or pontoon; there is a walk through this mangrove, where the red, black, white and button mangrove predominates. There are crabs, lizards and endemic and migratory birds that find refuge and rest in the mangroves. It is preserved and managed by the San Andres y Providencia Environment Corporation, CORALINA. The entrance to the park has a cost of $ 12,000 COP, according to Resolution 928 of December 2018.
The Old Mangrove Regional Point Park is located in the Hooker and Haynes bays, on the eastern side of the island of San Andres. It is the first regional mangrove park in Colombia, covering a total of 247,5656 hectares, of which 173.16 hectares correspond to land sectors and 74.40 hectares are marine areas that protect the largest area of mangroves on the island and promote natural recovery. Along the path, built in 2015, you travel a little over a kilometer between a forest of different types of mangroves. The park is the cradle and habitat of endemic and migratory birds, iguanas, spiders, lizards, among other species. It is an ideal place for ecological walks, kayaking or pontoon; there is a walk through this mangrove, where the red, black, white and button mangrove predominates. There are crabs, lizards and endemic and migratory birds that find refuge and rest in the mangroves. It is preserved and managed by the San Andres y Providencia Environment Corporation, CORALINA. The entrance to the park has a cost of $ 12,000 COP, according to Resolution 928 of December 2018.

Buceo en San Andrés
Asombrarse con pequeñas especies y colores de la vida submarina de San Andrés es posible para personas desde los ocho años, con o sin experiencia en el buceo. Escuelas certificadas con trayectoria en la enseñanza programan mini cursos para inmersiones de un día, cursos de certificación, excursiones de buceo nocturno, cursos de navegación (para ubicarse bajo el agua), excursiones a los cayos del sur, entre otros.
Además de la gran variedad de flora y fauna, el buceo está favorecido por la alta visibilidad (30 metros aproximadamente), la temperatura del agua es ideal (26°C promedio) y corrientes leves. Hay más de 40 sitios para visitar hábitats naturales y artificiales, entre estos: La Calera, Las Piedras de la Langosta, Trampa Tortuga, Nirvana, Bowle View, Wild Life, La Rocosa y El Avión.
En la trayectoria se puede topar con barreras de coral, peces globo, trompeta, damiselas, cirujanos, langostas, barracudas, tiburones areneros, pargos, rayas, plumas, esponjas y otras especies.
Marvel at small species and colors of underwater life of San Andres which is possible for people from the age of eight, with or without experience in diving. Certified schools with experience in teaching where they schedule mini courses to dive for a day, certification courses, night diving trips, navigation courses (to position yourself under water), trips to the south Keys, among others.
In addition to the wide variety of flora and fauna, diving is favored by the high visibility (about 30 meters), the water temperature is ideal (average 26 ° C) and mild currents. There are over 40 places to visit natural and artificial habitats, among these: La Calera, Las Piedras de la Langosta, Trampa Tortuga, Nirvana, Bowle View, Wild Life, La Rocosa and El Avion.
In the course, you can come across coral reefs, puffer fish, trumpet, damsels, surgeons, lobsters, barracudas, dusky sharks, snappers, stripes, feathers, sponges, and other species.
Además de la gran variedad de flora y fauna, el buceo está favorecido por la alta visibilidad (30 metros aproximadamente), la temperatura del agua es ideal (26°C promedio) y corrientes leves. Hay más de 40 sitios para visitar hábitats naturales y artificiales, entre estos: La Calera, Las Piedras de la Langosta, Trampa Tortuga, Nirvana, Bowle View, Wild Life, La Rocosa y El Avión.
En la trayectoria se puede topar con barreras de coral, peces globo, trompeta, damiselas, cirujanos, langostas, barracudas, tiburones areneros, pargos, rayas, plumas, esponjas y otras especies.
Marvel at small species and colors of underwater life of San Andres which is possible for people from the age of eight, with or without experience in diving. Certified schools with experience in teaching where they schedule mini courses to dive for a day, certification courses, night diving trips, navigation courses (to position yourself under water), trips to the south Keys, among others.
In addition to the wide variety of flora and fauna, diving is favored by the high visibility (about 30 meters), the water temperature is ideal (average 26 ° C) and mild currents. There are over 40 places to visit natural and artificial habitats, among these: La Calera, Las Piedras de la Langosta, Trampa Tortuga, Nirvana, Bowle View, Wild Life, La Rocosa and El Avion.
In the course, you can come across coral reefs, puffer fish, trumpet, damsels, surgeons, lobsters, barracudas, dusky sharks, snappers, stripes, feathers, sponges, and other species.

Semisumergible / Semisubmersible
En semisumergibles de fondo de cristal se ofrecen recorridos por la barrera coralina, arrecifes y otros hábitats de diversas especies. En el paseo de dos horas se conoce el mundo submarino mientras se está cómodamente sentado. Algunos tours incluyen un baño en las pirámides, lugar especial para hacer snorkeling.
In semisubmersible of crystal bottom, they offer tours of the coral reef, coral, and other habitats of various species. In the tour of two hours, you get to know the underwater world while you are comfortable sitting. Some tours include a swim in the pyramids, which is a special place for snorkeling.
In semisubmersible of crystal bottom, they offer tours of the coral reef, coral, and other habitats of various species. In the tour of two hours, you get to know the underwater world while you are comfortable sitting. Some tours include a swim in the pyramids, which is a special place for snorkeling.

Deportes Naúticos / Water Sports
Hay varios centros náuticos con instructores idóneos para enseñar a principiantes windsurf, kitesurf, sunfish y kayak. Los mejores meses para hacer kitesurf, por las brisas, son enero, febrero, marzo, junio, julio, otubre, noviembre y diciembre.
Se practican en las playas de Spratt Bight y San Luis. También se alquilan jetskys o motos acuáticas en estas zonas.
Water Sports
There are several nautical centers with qualified instructors to teach beginners windsurf, kitesurf, sunfish, and kayak. The best months to do kitesurf due to the winds are: January, February, March, June, July, October, November, and December. They practice on the beaches of Spratt Bight and San Luis. Also, they rent jetskys in these areas.
Se practican en las playas de Spratt Bight y San Luis. También se alquilan jetskys o motos acuáticas en estas zonas.
Water Sports
There are several nautical centers with qualified instructors to teach beginners windsurf, kitesurf, sunfish, and kayak. The best months to do kitesurf due to the winds are: January, February, March, June, July, October, November, and December. They practice on the beaches of Spratt Bight and San Luis. Also, they rent jetskys in these areas.

Jardín Botánico / Botanic Garden
Está ubicado en San Luis en la vía Harmony Hall Hill o Loma del Mexicano. Seis de sus ocho hectáreas son reserva para proteger las especies nativas del Archipiélago. Se conocen plantas endémicas, cultivos demostrativos, un herbario, banco de semillas, biblioteca especializada y un mirador. El trayecto está recreado con fichas e ilustraciones explicativas. Horarios: Lunes a sábado: 9:00 a 17:00 /Domingos y festivos de 9:00 a 16:00.
Botanic Garden
It is located in San Luis in the Harmony Hall Hill Street (Mexican Hill), right in front of Sol Caribe Campo Hotel. Six of its eight hectare is maintained as natural reserve in order to protect native species of the Archipelago. You walk around with a guide to know living endemic plants, nature trails, demonstration crops, a herbarium, seed bank, specialized library, and a viewpoint. The journey is recreated with cards and explanatory illustrations. Schedule: Monday to Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. / Sundays and holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Botanic Garden
It is located in San Luis in the Harmony Hall Hill Street (Mexican Hill), right in front of Sol Caribe Campo Hotel. Six of its eight hectare is maintained as natural reserve in order to protect native species of the Archipelago. You walk around with a guide to know living endemic plants, nature trails, demonstration crops, a herbarium, seed bank, specialized library, and a viewpoint. The journey is recreated with cards and explanatory illustrations. Schedule: Monday to Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. / Sundays and holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Por distintos puntos de aguas cristalinas, tranquilas y generalmente de poca profundidad, se realizan tour de observación de vegetación y especies marinas. Otra opción es hacer un tour de noche en West View y experimentar el fenómeno de la fluorescencia, ver colores y animales que solo se ven de noche como peces loros, globitos, pulpos y calamares.
Doing snorkeling day or night time
Through different crystal-clear water points, calm, and generally shallow, an observation of vegetation and marine species tour is given. Another option is to do a night tour in West View and experience the phenomenon of fluorescence, see colors and animals that can only be seeing at night such as parrot fish, balloons, octopus, and squid.
Doing snorkeling day or night time
Through different crystal-clear water points, calm, and generally shallow, an observation of vegetation and marine species tour is given. Another option is to do a night tour in West View and experience the phenomenon of fluorescence, see colors and animals that can only be seeing at night such as parrot fish, balloons, octopus, and squid.

Parasail es una actividad de ocio donde la persona va atada a una embarcación a través de un arnés sujeto a un parapente o paracaídas conocido como parasail. La persona va atada a un arnés conectado a un paracaídas especialmente diseñado y es remolcado por una embarcación, generalmente una lancha, que dependiendo de la potencia de la embarcación empleada puede transportar a una persona o varias.
La cuerda de remolque está entre 50 y 100 m de largo. La actividad es sobre todo un paseo divertido, que no debe confundirse con el deporte del parapente.
La salida se realiza desde un muelle. El bote acelera y el paravelista comienza a ascender en el aire. El paravelista tiene poco o nulo control sobre el paracaídas.
La cuerda de remolque está entre 50 y 100 m de largo. La actividad es sobre todo un paseo divertido, que no debe confundirse con el deporte del parapente.
La salida se realiza desde un muelle. El bote acelera y el paravelista comienza a ascender en el aire. El paravelista tiene poco o nulo control sobre el paracaídas.

Tour de Pesca / Fishing Tour
Se realizan faenas de pesca con pescadores y navegantes expertos. Las embarcaciones son cómodas y se ubican en sitios estratégicos alrededor de la isla o cerca a cayo Bolívar.
Fishing Tour
Fishing operations are conducted with fishermen and expert sailors. The boats are comfortable and are generally located in strategic locations around the island or close to Bolivar’s Cay.
Fishing Tour
Fishing operations are conducted with fishermen and expert sailors. The boats are comfortable and are generally located in strategic locations around the island or close to Bolivar’s Cay.

Senderos Ecológicos
Caminando o a caballo se pueden hacer tours guiados en la zona de Sound Bay en San Luis o en los alrededores de la Laguna en la Loma encontrarse bosques secos tropicales y apreciar árboles de cedro, matarratón, ceiba o cotton tree, cañafístula o stinking toe, fruta de pan y june plum. Tal vez se sorprenda con alguna de las especies endémicas del territorio insular como swanka, chincherry, vireo, cangrejo negro o blue lizard.
Meeting ecological nature trails
Walking or on horseback riding, you can take guided tours in the area of Sound Bay in San Luis or in the surroundings of Big Pond on the Hill. You will find tropical dry forests, and appreciate cedar trees, mataraton, kapok or cotton tree, stinking toe tree, breadfruit, and june plum. You might be surprised with some of the endemic species of the insular territory as swanka, chincherry, vireo, black crab, or blue lizard.
Meeting ecological nature trails
Walking or on horseback riding, you can take guided tours in the area of Sound Bay in San Luis or in the surroundings of Big Pond on the Hill. You will find tropical dry forests, and appreciate cedar trees, mataraton, kapok or cotton tree, stinking toe tree, breadfruit, and june plum. You might be surprised with some of the endemic species of the insular territory as swanka, chincherry, vireo, black crab, or blue lizard.

Tour Kajak por Old Point Park
Tour guiado por un pescador artesanal que realiza dentro del Parque de Manglares de Old Point. En la actividad visitan diversos ecosistemas y tendrá una experiencia llena de emociones y conocimiento.
El Recorrido se realiza en dos horas por aguas tranquilas y de poca profundidad. Se navega a través de hermosos túneles formados por manglares rojos sobre praderas de pastos marinos, comunidades de medusas invertidas, ostras planas, algas verdes y pardas entre otras especies. Se practica snorkeling, observación de diversas especies de peces y flora marina.
El Recorrido se realiza en dos horas por aguas tranquilas y de poca profundidad. Se navega a través de hermosos túneles formados por manglares rojos sobre praderas de pastos marinos, comunidades de medusas invertidas, ostras planas, algas verdes y pardas entre otras especies. Se practica snorkeling, observación de diversas especies de peces y flora marina.

Cayo Bolívar
En el viaje de 50 minutos por lancha hasta Cayo Bolívar, al suroeste de San Andrés, es posible encontrarse con peces voladores y, dependiendo de la época, con delfines que acompañan las embarcaciones. Ya en East Cay, uno de los cayos que conforman a Bolívar, se conoce el paisaje de palmas de coco, arbustos bajos y algunas gramíneas. En la actualidad el cayo se encuentra cerrado hasta que el Gobierno Departamental elabore e implemente un plan de manejo ambiental en Cayo Bolívar.
Visit Bolivar Cay
The trip is of 50 minutes in boat until Bolivar Cay which is southwest of San Andres; it is possible to find flying fish and, depending on the season, you can see dolphins that accompany the boats. Already in East Cay, one of the cays that form part of Bolivar is known as the landscape of coconut trees, low shrubs, and some grasses.
At this moment, the cay is closed till the government elaborates and implements a plan of enviromental management at Bolivar Cay.
Visit Bolivar Cay
The trip is of 50 minutes in boat until Bolivar Cay which is southwest of San Andres; it is possible to find flying fish and, depending on the season, you can see dolphins that accompany the boats. Already in East Cay, one of the cays that form part of Bolivar is known as the landscape of coconut trees, low shrubs, and some grasses.
At this moment, the cay is closed till the government elaborates and implements a plan of enviromental management at Bolivar Cay.
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